Datasheet MC68EC020AA25 - Freescale MPU, 32 bit, M68EC000, 25 MHz, 100QFP — 数据表

Freescale MC68EC020AA25

Part Number: MC68EC020AA25


Manufacturer: Freescale

Description: MPU, 32 bit, M68EC000, 25 MHz, 100QFP

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MC68020 MC68EC020
First Edition
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  • CPU Speed: 25 MHz
  • Cache on Chip L1/L2 Memory: 256 byte
  • Core Size: 32 bit
  • Frequency: 25 MHz
  • MSL: MSL 3 - 168 hours
  • Mounting Type: SMD
  • Number of Bits: 32
  • Number of Pins: 100
  • Operating Temperature Range: 0°C to +70°C
  • Package / Case: QFP
  • Series: M68000
  • Supply Voltage Range: 5 V
  • RoHS: Yes