Datasheet Texas Instruments ADS1246IPW — 数据表

制造商Texas Instruments
Datasheet Texas Instruments ADS1246IPW

具有PGA的24位2kSPS 2通道ADC,用于精密传感器测量16-TSSOP -40至105


ADS124x 24-Bit, 2-kSPS, Analog-To-Digital Converters With Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) For Sensor Measurement datasheet
PDF, 2.4 Mb, 修订版: H, 档案已发布: Mar 31, 2016



Lifecycle StatusActive (Recommended for new designs)
Manufacture's Sample AvailabilityYes


Package TypePW
Industry STD TermTSSOP
Package QTY90
Device MarkingADS1246
Width (mm)4.4
Length (mm)5
Thickness (mm)1
Pitch (mm).65
Max Height (mm)1.2
Mechanical Data下载


# Input Channels2
Analog Voltage AVDD(Max)5.25 V
Analog Voltage AVDD(Min)2.7 V
Digital Supply(Max)5.25 V
Digital Supply(Min)2.7 V
INL(Max)251.7 +/-LSB
Input Range(Max)2.125, 4.25 V
Input Range(Min)-2.125, 0 V
Input TypeDifferential,Single-Ended
Integrated Features50/60 Hz Rejection,Oscillator,PGA,Temp Sensor
Multi-Channel ConfigurationN/A
Operating Temperature Range-40 to 105 C
Package GroupTSSOP
Package Size: mm2:W x L16TSSOP: 32 mm2: 6.4 x 5(TSSOP) PKG
Power Consumption(Typ)2.3 mW
Reference ModeExt
Resolution24 Bits
Sample Rate (max)2kSPS SPS
Sample Rate(Max)0.002 MSPS




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  • A Glossary of Analog-to-Digital Specifications and Performance Characteristics (Rev. B)
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  • Principles of Data Acquisition and Conversion (Rev. A)
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系列: ADS1246 (2)


  • Semiconductors > Data Converters > Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) > Precision ADCs (<=10MSPS)