Quad 14-Bit DACs
into one via DIN, SCLK, and FSYNC. The AD7834 has five
dedicated package address pins, PA0 to PA4, that can be wired
to AGND or VCC to permit up to 32 AD7834s to be individually
addressed in a multipackage application. FEATURES
Four 14-bit DACs in one package
AD7834—serial loading
AD7835—parallel 8-bit/14-bit loading
Voltage outputs
Power-on reset function
Maximum/minimum output voltage range of ±8.192 V
Maximum output voltage span of 14 V
Common voltage reference inputs
User-assigned device addressing
Clear function to user-defined voltage
Surface-mount packages
AD7834—28-lead SOIC and PDIP
AD7835—44-lead MQFP and PLCC The AD7835 can accept either 14-bit parallel loading or doublebyte loading, where right-justified data is loaded in one 8-bit
byte and one 6-bit byte. Data is loaded from the external bus
into one of the input latches under the control of the WR, CS,
BYSHF, and DAC channel address pins, A0 to A2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION With each device, the LDAC signal is used to update all four …