8-Bit CMOS DAC with Output Amplifiers
Operates with Single or Dual Supplies
Low Total Unadjusted Error:
Less Than 1 LSB Over Temperature
Extended Temperature Range Operation
mP-Compatible with Double Buffered Inputs
Standard 18-Pin DIPs, and 20-Terminal Surface
Mount Package and SOIC Package LC2MOS
8-Bit DAC with Output Amplifiers
FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS The AD7224 is a precision 8-bit voltage-output, digital-toanalog converter, with output amplifier and double buffered
interface logic on a monolithic CMOS chip. No external trims
are required to achieve full specified performance for the part. 1. DAC and Amplifier on CMOS Chip
The single-chip design of the 8-bit DAC and output amplifier
is inherently more reliable than multi-chip designs. CMOS
fabrication means low power consumption (35 mW typical
with single supply). The double buffered interface logic consists of two 8-bit registers–an input register and a DAC register. Only the data held in
the DAC registers determines the analog output of the converter. The double buffering allows simultaneous update in a
system containing multiple AD7224s. Both registers may be
made transparent under control of three external lines, CS, WR
and LDAC. With both registers transparent, the RESET line …