Datasheet Inchange Semiconductor 2N6282 — 数据表
制造商 | Inchange Semiconductor |
系列 | 2N6282 |
零件号 | 2N6282 |
isc 硅 NPN Darlingtion 功率晶体管
isc Silicon NPN Darlingtion Power Transistor
isc Silicon NPN Darlingtion Power Transistor 2N6282 DESCRIPTION Built-in Base-Emitter Shunt Resistors High DC current gainhFE = 750 (Min) @ IC = 10 Adc Collector-Emitter Sustaining VoltageVCEO(SUS)= 60V(Min) Complement to type 2N6285
APPLICATIONS Intended for general purpose amplifier and low frequency
switching applications, such as linear and switching industrial equipment.
SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT VCBO Collector-Base Voltage 60 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 60 V VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage 5.0 V IC Collector Current -Continuous 20 A ICP Collector Current-Peak 40 A IB Base Current 0.5 A PC Collector Power Dissipation@TC=25℃ 160 W Tj Junction Temperature -65~200 ℃ Tstg Storage Temperature -65~200 ℃ THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS
SYMBOL PARAMETER MAX UNIT Rth j-c ThermalResistance, Junction to Case 1.09 ℃/W isc 1 isc & iscsemi is registered trademark isc Silicon NPN Darlingtion Power Transistor 2N6282 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
TC=25℃ unless otherwise specified
SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN MAX 60 UNIT VCEO(SUS) Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage IC= 50mA ; IB= 0 V VCE(sat)-1 Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage IC= 10A; IB= 40mA 2.0 V VCE(sat)-2 Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage IC= 20A; IB= 200mA 3.0 V VBE(sat) Base-Emitter Saturation voltage IC= 20A; IB= 200mA 4.0 V VBE(on) Base-Emitter On voltage IC= 10A; VCE= 3V 2.8 V ICEO Collector Cutoff current VCE= 30V; IB=0 1.0 mA IEBO Emitter Cut-off current VEB= 5V; IC= 0 2.0 mA hFE-1 DC Current Gain IC= 10A; VCE= 3V 750 hFE-2 DC Current Gain IC= 20A; VCE= 3V 100 18000 NOTICE:
ISC reserves the rights to make changes of the content herein the datasheet at any time without
notification. The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of
our products.
ISC products are intended for usage in general electronic equipment. The products are not
designed for use in equipment which require specialized quality and/or reliability, or in equipment
which could have applications in hazardous environments, aerospace industry, or medical
field. Please contact us if you intend our products to be used in these special applications.
ISC makes no warranty or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular
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specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or
incidental damages.
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