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Dual D-Type Flip-Flop
HEF4013B Dual D-type flip-flop
Rev. 12 — 24 July 2024 Product data sheet 1. General description
The HEF4013B is a dual D-type flip-flop with set and reset; positive-edge trigger. Inputs include
clamp diodes. This enables the use of current limiting resistors to interface inputs to voltages in
excess of VDD. Schmitt-trigger action on the clock input makes the circuit highly tolerant of slower
clock rise and fall times. 2. Features and benefits
• Wide supply voltage range from 3.0 V to 15.0 V
CMOS low power dissipation
High noise immunity
Tolerant of slow clock rise and fall times
Fully static operation
5 V, 10 V, and 15 V parametric ratings
Standardized symmetrical output characteristics
Specified from -40 °C to +125 °C …