LTC3873 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSMaximum Sense ThresholdFrequency vs Temperaturevs Temperature 250 300 IPRG = VIN 250 230 200 IPRG = FLOAT 210 150 190 IPRG = GND FREQUECY (kHz) 100 170 50 MAXIMUM SENSE THRESHOLD (mV) 150 0 –60 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 –60 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) 3873 G09 3873 G10 PIN FUNCTIONS (TS8/DDB) IPRG (Pin 1/Pin 4): Current Sense Limit Select Pin. RUN/SS (Pin 7/Pin 6): Shutdown and External Soft-Start I Pin. In shutdown, all functions are disabled and the NGATE TH (Pin 2/Pin 3): This pin serves as the error amplifier compensation point. Nominal voltage range for this pin pin is held low. is 0.7V to 1.9V. SW (Pin 8/Pin 5): Switch node connection to inductor and V current sense input pin through external slope compensa- FB (Pin 3/Pin 2): This pin receives the feedback voltage from an external resistor divider across the output. tion resistor. Normally, the external N-channel MOSFET’s drain is connected to this pin. GND (Pin 4/Pin 1): Ground Pin. Exposed Pad (NA/Pin 9): Ground. Must be soldered to PCB NGATE (Pin 5/Pin 8): Gate Drive for the External N-Channel for electrical contact and rated thermal performance. MOSFET. This pin swings from 0V to VIN. VCC (Pin 6/Pin 7): Supply Pin. This pin must be closely decoupled to GND (Pin 4). 3873fb For more information 5