LTC6363 Family ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS LTC6363-0.5 Only. The l denotes the specifications which apply over the fulloperating temperature range, otherwise specifications and typical values are at TA = 25°C. V+ = 10V, V– = 0V, VCM = VOCM = VICM = 5V,VSHDN = open. VS is defined as (V+ – V–). VOUTCM is defined as (V+OUT + V–OUT)/2. VICM is defined as (V+IN + V–IN)/2. VOUTDIFF is definedas (V+OUT – V–OUT).SYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSMINTYPMAXUNITS VOSDIFF (Note 7) Differential Offset Voltage VS = 3V 25 125 µV VICM =1.5V l 250 µV VS = 5V 25 125 µV VICM = 2.5V l 250 µV VS = 10V 25 125 µV VICM = 5V l 250 µV ∆VOSDIFF/∆T Differential Offset Voltage Drift VS = 3V l 0.45 1.25 µV/°C (Notes 7, 8) VS = 5V l 0.45 1.25 µV/°C VS = 10V l 0.45 1.25 µV/°C GDIFF Differential Gain VOUT = 16VP-P 0.5 V/V Differential Gain Error ±0.002 ±0.0045 % l ±0.0075 % Differential Gain Nonlinearity 0.5 ppm Differential Gain Drift vs Temperature (Note 8) l ±0.2 ±0.5 ppm/°C en (Note 7) Differential Input Referred Noise Voltage f = 100kHz, 15.1 nV/√Hz Density (Includes Internal Resistor Noise) envocm Common Mode Noise Voltage Density f = 100kHz 20 nV/√Hz RIN Input Resistance Common Mode 1050 Ω Differential Mode 2800 Ω CIN Input Capacitance Differential Mode 2.5 pF Common Mode 13.5 pF VICMR (Note 9) Input Common Mode Range VS = 3V, VOCM = 1.5V l –3 2.4 V VS = 5V,VOCM = 2.5V l –5 6.4 V VS = 10V, VOCM = 5V l –10 16.4 V CMRRI (Note 7) Input Common Mode Rejection Ratio (Input VS = 3V, VICM from –3V to 2.4V 90 106 dB Referred) ∆VICM/∆VOSDIFF l 80 dB VS = 5V, VICM from –5V to 6.4V 94 106 dB l 85 dB VS = 10V, VICM from –10V to 16.4V 94 106 dB l 85 dB CMRRIO (Note 7) Output Common Mode Rejection Ratio (Input VS = 3V, VOCM from 0.5V to 2.5V 85 100 dB Referred) ∆VOCM/∆VOSDIFF l 80 dB VS = 5V, VOCM from 0.5V to 4.5V 90 106 dB l 85 dB VS = 10V, VOCM from 0.5V to 9.5V 90 106 dB l 85 dB VOUT Output Voltage, High, Either Output Pin IL= 0mA, VS = 3V l 2.77 2.88 V IL = –5mA, VS = 3V l 2.74 2.83 V IL= 0mA, VS = 5V l 4.75 4.86 V IL = –5mA, VS = 5V l 4.72 4.81 V IL= 0mA, VS = 10V l 9.72 9.83 V IL = –5mA, VS = 10V l 9.64 9.78 V Output Voltage, Low, Either Output Pin IL= 0mA, VS = 3V l 0.11 0.19 V IL = 5mA, VS = 3V l 0.19 0.27 V IL= 0mA, VS = 5V l 0.13 0.2 V IL = 5mA, VS = 5V l 0.19 0.28 V IL= 0mA, VS = 10V l 0.17 0.28 V IL = 5mA, VS = 10V l 0.23 0.38 V 6363fb 6 For more information