Datasheet AD7655-EP (Analog Devices) - 5

制造商Analog Devices
描述Low Cost, 4-Channel, 16-Bit, 500 kSPS PulSAR ADC
页数 / 页12 / 5 — Enhanced Product. AD7655-EP. TIMING SPECIFICATIONS. Table 3. Parameter. …
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Enhanced Product. AD7655-EP. TIMING SPECIFICATIONS. Table 3. Parameter. Symbol. Min. Typ. Max. Unit

Enhanced Product AD7655-EP TIMING SPECIFICATIONS Table 3 Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit



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AVDD = DVDD = 5 V, OVDD = 2.7 V to 5.25 V; VREF = 2.5 V; all specifications TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted.
Table 3. Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit
CONVERSION AND RESET Convert Pulse Width t1 5 ns Time Between Conversions (Normal Mode/Impulse Mode) t2 2/2.25 µs CNVST Low to BUSY High Delay t3 32 ns BUSY High All Modes Except in Master Serial Read After Convert Mode (Normal Mode/Impulse Mode) t4 1.75/2 µs Aperture Delay t5 2 ns End of Conversions to BUSY Low Delay t6 10 ns Conversion Time (Normal Mode/Impulse Mode) t7 1.75/2 µs Acquisition Time t8 250 ns RESET Pulse Width t9 10 ns CNVST Low to EOC High Delay t10 30 ns EOC High for Channel A Conversion (Normal Mode/Impulse Mode) t11 1/1.25 µs EOC Low after Channel A Conversion t12 45 ns EOC High for Channel B Conversion t13 0.75 µs Channel Selection Setup Time t14 250 ns Channel Selection Hold Time t15 30 ns PARALLEL INTERFACE MODES CNVST Low to DATA Valid Delay t16 1.75/2 µs DATA Valid to BUSY Low Delay t17 14 ns Bus Access Request to DATA Valid t18 40 ns Bus Relinquish Time t19 5 15 ns A/B Low to Data Valid Delay t20 40 ns MASTER SERIAL INTERFACE MODES CS Low to SYNC Valid Delay t21 10 ns CS Low to Internal SCLK Valid Delay1 t22 10 ns CS Low to SDOUT Delay t23 10 ns CNVST Low to SYNC Delay, Read During Convert (Normal Mode/Impulse Mode) t24 250/500 ns SYNC Asserted to SCLK First Edge Delay t25 3 ns Internal SCK Period2 t26 23 40 ns Internal SCLK High2 t27 12 ns Internal SCLK Low2 t28 7 ns SDOUT Valid Setup Time2 t29 4 ns SDOUT Valid Hold Time2 t30 2 ns SCLK Last Edge to SYNC Delay2 t31 1 ns CS High to SYNC High-Z t32 10 ns CS High to Internal SCLK High-Z t33 10 ns CS High to SDOUT High-Z t34 10 ns BUSY High in Master Serial Read after Convert2 t35 See Table 4 CNVST Low to SYNC Asserted Delay (Normal Mode/Impulse Mode) t36 0.75/1 µs SYNC Deasserted to BUSY Low Delay t37 25 ns Rev. B | Page 5 of 12 Document Outline FEATURES APPLICATIONS GENERAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS TABLE OF CONTENTS REVISION HISTORY SPECIFICATIONS TIMING SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ESD CAUTION PIN CONFIGURATIONS AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS OUTLINE DIMENSIONS ORDERING GUIDE