Data Breif VIPER26K (STMicroelectronics)

描述1050 V High voltage converter
页数 / 页7 / 1 — VIPer26K. Data brief. Description. Features. Applications. SMPS topologies
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VIPer26K. Data brief. Description. Features. Applications. SMPS topologies

Data Breif VIPER26K STMicroelectronics



1050 V High voltage converter
Data brief Description
The device is an offline converter with a 1050 V avalanche rugged power section, a PWM controller, user defined overcurrent limit, protection against feedback network disconnection, hysteretic thermal protection, soft start-up and safe auto-restart after any fault condition. Advance frequency jittering reduces EMI filter cost. Burst mode operation and the device‘s very
low consumption both help to meet the standard set by energy saving regulations. 1050 V avalanche rugged power section Current mode PWM controller Embedded high voltage startup and sense FET Drain current limitation (OCP) Standby power < 30 mW at 230 VAC Jittered switching frequency (60 kHz ± 4 kHz) for low EMI Embedded error amplifier for non-isolated SMPS On-board soft-start Safe auto-restart after a fault condition Hysteretic thermal shutdown
SMPS for energy metering Auxiliary power supplies for 3-phase input industrial systems LED driver
SMPS topologies
Isolated flyback (secondary-side and primary-side regulation), non-isolated flyback, buck, buck- boost. January 2019 DB3809 Rev 1 1/7 This is preliminary information on a new product in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change without notice. Document Outline 1 Pin description Figure 1. Connection diagram Table 1. Pin description 2 Electrical characteristics Table 2. Electrical and thermal characteristics Figure 2. Typical isolated flyback configuration with secondary regulation Figure 3. Typical isolated flyback configuration with primary regulation Figure 4. Typical non-isolated flyback configuration 3 Ordering information Table 3. Order codes 4 Revision history Table 4. Document revision history