Datasheet LTM4680 (Analog Devices) - 5

制造商Analog Devices
描述Dual 30A or Single 60A µModule Regulator with Digital Power System Management
页数 / 页126 / 5 — ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS. The. denotes the specifications which apply …
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ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS. The. denotes the specifications which apply over the specified internal

ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The denotes the specifications which apply over the specified internal



link to page 90 LTM4680
denotes the specifications which apply over the specified internal operating temperature range (Note 2). n is specified as each individual output channel (Note 4). TA = 25°C, VIN = 12V, RUNn = 3.3V, EXTVCC = 0, FREQUENCY_SWITCH = 350kHz and VOUTn commanded to 1.000V unless otherwise noted. Configured with factory-default EEPROM settings and per Test Circuit 1, unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS
VIN Input DC Voltage Test Circuit 1 l 5.75 16 V Test Circuit 2; VIN_OFF < VIN_ON = 4V l 4.5 5.75 V V + – OUTn Range of Output Voltage Regulation VOUTn Differentially Sensed on VOSNSn /VOSNSn Pin-Pair; l 0.5 3.34 V Commanded by Serial Bus or with Resistors Present at Start-Up on VOUTn_CFG VOUTn(DC) Output Voltage, Total Variation with Digital Servo Engaged (MFR_PWM_MODEn[6] = 1b) l 0.995 1.000 1.005 V Line and Load Digital Servo Disengaged (MFR_PWM_MODEn[6] = 0b) 0.985 1.000 1.015 V VOUTn Commanded to 1.000V, VOUTn Low Range (MFR_PWM_MODEn[1] = 1b) (Note 5) VUVLO Undervoltage Lockout Threshold, VINTVCC Falling 3.55 V When VIN < 4.3V VINTVCC Rising 3.90 V
Input Specifications
IINRUSH(VIN) Input Inrush Current at Test Circuit 1, VOUTn =1V, VIN = 12V; No Load Besides 50 mA Start-Up Capacitors; TON_RISEn = 3ms (Note 12) IQ(SVIN) Input Supply Bias Current Forced Continuous Mode, MFR_PWM_MODEn[0] = 1b RUNn = 3.3V 37 mA Shutdown, RUN0 = RUN1 = 0V 25 mA IS(VINn,DCM) Input Supply Current in Discontinuous Mode, MFR_PWM_MODEn[0] = 0b, 20 mA Discontinuous Mode Operation IOUTn = 100mA IS(VINn,FCM) Input Supply Current in Forced- Forced Continuous Mode, MFR_PWM_MODEn[0] = 1b Continuous Mode Operation VINn = 12V, VOUTn = 1V IOUTn = 30A 3.2 A
Output Specifications
IOUTn Output Continuous Current Range Utilizing MFR_PWM_MODE[7] = 1 for IOUT_OC_FAULT_ 0 30 A LIMIT, Page 90 (Note 6) ∆VOUTn(LINE) Line Regulation Accuracy Digital Servo Engaged (MFR_PWM_MODEn[6] = 1b) 0.03 %/V V Digital Servo Disengaged (MFR_PWM_MODEn[6] = 0b) l 0.03 ±0.2 %/V OUTn SVIN and VINn Electrically Shorted Together and INTVCC Open Circuit; IOUTn = 0A, 5.75V ≤ VIN ≤ 16V, VOUT Low Range (MFR_PWM_MODEn[1] = 1b), FREQUENCY_SWITCH = 350kHz (Note 5) ∆VOUTn(LOAD) Load Regulation Accuracy Digital Servo Engaged (MFR_PWM_MODEn[6] = 1b) 0.03 % Digital Servo Disengaged (MFR_PWM_MODEn[6] = 0b) l 0.2 0.5 % VOUTn 0A ≤ IOUTn ≤ 30A, VOUTn Low Range, (MFR_PWM_ MODEn[1] = 1b) (Note 5) VOUTn(AC) Output Voltage Ripple 10 mVP-P fS (Each Channel) VOUTn Ripple Frequency FREQUENCY_SWITCH Set to 350kHz (0xFABC) l 320 350 370 kHz ∆VOUTn(START) Turn-On Overshoot TON_RISEn = 3ms (Note 12) 8 mV tSTART Turn-On Start-Up Time Time from VIN Toggling from 0V to 12V to Rising Edge l 30 ms PGOODn. TON_DELAYn = 0ms, TON_RISEn = 3ms tDELAY(0ms) Turn-On Delay Time Time from First Rising Edge of RUNn to Rising Edge of l 2.75 3.1 3.8 ms PGOODn . TON_DELAYn = 0ms, TON_RISEn = 3ms, VIN Having Been Established for at Least 70ms ∆VOUTn(LS) Peak Output Voltage Deviation for Load: 0A to 15A and 15A to 0A at 15A/µs, 60 mV Dynamic Load Step VOUTn = 1V, VIN = 12V (Note 12) See Transient Graph tSETTLE Settling Time for Dynamic Load Step Load: 0A to 15A and 15A to 0A at 15A/µs, 50 µs VOUTn = 1V, VIN = 12V (Note 12) See Transient Graphs Rev. B For more information 5 Document Outline Features Applications Typical Application Description Table of Contents Absolute Maximum Ratings Order Information Pin Configuration Electrical Characteristics Typical Performance Characteristics Pin Functions Simplified Block Diagram Decoupling Requirements Functional Diagram Test Circuits Operation Power Module Introduction Power Module Overview, Major Features EEPROM with ECC Power-Up and Initialization Soft-Start Time-Based Sequencing Voltage-Based Sequencing Shutdown Light-Load Current Operation Switching Frequency and Phase PWM Loop Compensation Output Voltage Sensing INTVCC/EXTVCC Power Output Current Sensing and Sub Milliohm DCR Current Sensing Input Current Sensing PolyPhase Load Sharing External/Internal Temperature Sense RCONFIG (Resistor Configuration) Pins Table 1. VOUTn_CFG Pin Strapping Look-Up Table for the LTM4680’s Output Voltage, Coarse Setting (Not Applicable if MFR_CONFIG_ALL[6] = 1b) Table 2. VTRIMn_CFG Pin Strapping Look-Up Table for the LTM4680’s Output Voltage, Fine Adjustment Setting (Not Applicable if MFR_CONFIG_ALL[6] = 1b) Table 3. FSWPH_CFG Pin Strapping Look-Up Table to Set the LTM4680’s Switching Frequency and Channel Phase-Interleaving Angle (Not Applicable if MFR_CONFIG_ALL[6] = 1b) Table 4. ASEL Pin Strapping Look-Up Table to Set the LTM4680’s Slave Address (Applicable Regardless of MFR_CONFIG_ALL[6] Setting) Table 5. LTM4680 MFR_ADDRESS Command Examples Expressed in 7- and 8-Bit Addressing Fault Detection and Handling Status Registers and ALERT Masking Figure 5. LTM4680 Status Register Summary Mapping Faults to FAULT Pins Power Good Pins CRC Protection Serial Interface Communication Protection Device Addressing Responses to VOUT and IIN/IOUT Faults Output Overvoltage Fault Response Output Undervoltage Response Peak Output Overcurrent Fault Response Responses to Timing Faults Responses to VIN OV Faults Responses to OT/UT Faults Internal Overtemperature Fault Response External Overtemperature and Undertemperature Fault Response Responses to Input Overcurrent and Output Undercurrent Faults Responses to External Faults Fault Logging Bus Timeout Protection Similarity Between PMBus, SMBus and I2C 2-Wire Interface PMBus Serial Digital Interface Table 6. Abbreviations of Supported Data Formats Figure 6. PMBus Timing Diagram Figures 7 to 24 PMBus Protocols PMBus Command Summary PMBus Commands Table 7. PMBus Commands Summary (Note: The Data Format Abbreviations Are Detailed in Table 8) Table 8. Data Format Abbreviations Applications Information VIN to VOUT Step-Down Ratios Input Capacitors Output Capacitors Light Load Current Operation Switching Frequency and Phase Output Current Limit Programming Minimum On-Time Considerations Variable Delay Time, Soft-Start and Output Voltage Ramping Digital Servo Mode Soft Off (Sequenced Off) Undervoltage Lockout Fault Detection and Handling Open-Drain Pins Phase-Locked Loop and Frequency Synchronization Input Current Sense Amplifier Programmable Loop Compensation Checking Transient Response PolyPhase Configuration Connecting The USB to I2C/SMBus/PMBus Controller to the LTM4680 In System LTpowerPlay: An Interactive GUI for Digital Power PMBus Communication and Command Processing Thermal Considerations and Output Current Derating Tables 10 thru 11: Output Current Derating Table 12. Channel Output Voltage vs Capacitor Selection, All Ceramic Configuration, 15A to 30A Load Step with 15A/µs Slew Rate Table 13. Channel Output Voltage vs Capacitor Selection, Bulk and Ceramic Cap Configuration, 15A to 30A Load Step with 15A/µs Slew Rate Table 14. Dual Phase Single Output Voltage vs Capacitor Selection, Bulk and Ceramic Cap Configuration, 30A to 60A Load Step with 30A/µs Slew Rate Derating Curves EMI Performance Safety Considerations Layout Checklist/Example Typical Applications PMBus Command Details Addressing and Write Protect General Configuration Commands On/Off/Margin PWM Configuration Voltage Input Voltage and Limits Output Voltage and Limits Output Current and Limits Input Current and Limits Temperature Power Stage DCR Temperature Calibration Timing Timing—On Sequence/Ramp Timing—Off Sequence/Ramp Precondition for Restart Fault Response Fault Responses All Faults Fault Responses Input Voltage Fault Responses Output Voltage Fault Responses Output Current Fault Responses IC Temperature Fault Responses External Temperature Fault Sharing Fault Sharing Propagation Fault Sharing Response Scratchpad Identification Fault Warning and Status Telemetry NVM Memory Commands Store/Restore Fault Logging Block Memory Write/Read Package Description Table 23. LTM4680 BGA Pinout Revision History Package Photograph Design Resources Related Parts