SSM2164–SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS(V = ± 15 V, A = 0 dB, 0 dBu = 0.775 Vrms, V = 0 dBu, R = R = 30 k Ω , f = 1 kHz,SVININOUT–40 ° C < T < +85 ° C using Typical Application Circuit (Class AB), unless otherwise noted. Typical specifications apply at T = +25 ° C.)AASSM2164ParameterConditionsMinTypMaxUnits AUDIO SIGNAL PATH Noise V = GND, 20 kHz Bandwidth –94 dBu IN Headroom Clip Point = 1% THD+N 22 dBu Total Harmonic Distortion 2nd and 3rd Harmonics Only A = 0 dB, Class A 0.02 .1 % V A = ± 20 dB, Class A1 0.15 % V A = 0 dB, Class AB 0.16 % V A = ± 20 dB, Class AB1 0.3 % V Channel Separation –110 dB Unity Gain Bandwidth C = 10 pF 500 kHz F Slew Rate C = 10 pF 0.7 mA/µs F Input Bias Current ±10 nA Output Offset Current V = 0 ±50 nA IN Output Compliance ±0.1 V CONTROL PORT Input Impedance 5 kΩ Gain Constant (Note 2) –33 mV/dB Gain Constant Temperature Coefficient –3300 ppm/°C Control Feedthrough 0 dB to –40 dB Gain Range3 1.5 8.5 mV Gain Matching, Channel-to-Channel A = 0 dB 0.07 dB V A = –40 dB 0.24 dB V Maximum Attenuation –100 dB Maximum Gain +20 dB POWER SUPPLIES Supply Voltage Range ±4 ±18 V Supply Current Class AB 6 8 mA Power Supply Rejection Ratio 60 Hz 90 dB NOTES 1–10 dBu input @ 20 dB gain; +10 dBu input @ –20 dB gain. 2After 60 seconds operation. 3+25°C to +85°C. Specifications subject to change without notice. TYPICAL APPLICATION AND TEST CIRCUITV100pFC14VC430k Ω OBSOLETEI1513IOUTIINVCA430k Ω 1/2VVIN4OP275OUT4500 Ω 560pFPOWER SUPPLYAND BIASING CIRCUITRY98161V–GNDV+MODE0.1µF0.1µFRB (7.5k Ω CLASS A)(OPEN CLASS AB)–15V+15V Figure 1. R = R = 30 kΩ, C = 100 pF. Optional R = 7.5 kΩ, Biases Gain Core to Class A Opera- IN OUT F B tion. For Class AB, Omit R . B –2– REV. 0