APPLICATION VISUAL Discover the cockpit of the future with our MLX81116 enabling an (RGB-)LED light bar to communicate through smart lighting. BLOCK DIAGRAMVSGNDMLX81116VSVIOVSVoltage RegulatorHSW1VSMultiplexMultiplexVSControlControlHSW0HSW2VSHC0LC6VSRGBRGBLED 5LED 616-bitLC7HC1PWMVS16-bitMCUPWMLC8HC2RGBLED 4UARTADC/DiagnosisLC0LC3RGBLED 1RGBRGBRGBLED 3CAN-FDLED 3LED 4LC1PHYLC416-bit16-bitPWMPWMLC2LC5AACOM_P COM_N AIN AOUT 0 The above information is “as is” and believed to be correct and accurate. Melexis disclaims any and all liability in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, application or use of the information or products; any and all liability, including without limitation, special, consequential or incidental damages; and any and all warranties, express, statutory, implied, or by description, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability. Melexis reserves the right to change it at any time and without notice. Users should obtain the latest version of the information to verify it is current. Users must further determine the suitability of a product for its application, including the level of reliability required and determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose. Export control regulations may apply and export might require a prior authorization from competent authorities. Melexis’ products are intended for use in normal commercial applications. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, the products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable in applications requiring extended temperature range and/or unusual environmental V1/25-08-2 requirements. High reliability applications, such as medical life-support or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended by Melexis. Melexis’ products are sold under the Melexis’ Terms of Sale, which can be found at