LTC3880/LTC3880-1 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS V OUT1 1.0V 80A A07 + 3880 T V IN 6V TO 24V F 1µ 530µF L3 1.58k 22µF 0.36µH M6 M8 F 1µ 1.58k µF D4 0.1 0.22µF 100k + – TG1 SW1 BG1 V CC I LIM V CC I TH1 PGND FREQ EXT INT BOOST1 PHASMD I SENSE1 I SENSE1 SGND LTC3870 + – V IN T0 T1 TG0 BOOST0 SW0 BG0 SYNC MODE0 MODE1 FAUL FAUL RUN0 RUN1 I SENSEO I SENSEO I THO D3 µF 0.22µF 0.1 220pF 10µF M5 M7 1.58k L2 0.36µH F 1.58k 1µ 530µF + + F F 1µ 1µ L1 1.58k 530µF 0.36µH 10nF 20k 15k 22µF M2 M4 20k 15k F 1µ 1.58k 24.9k 4.32k µF D2 0.1 0.22µF + – TG1 SW1 BG1 V CC I TH1 PGND ASEL V DD25 TSNS1 INT BOOST1 I SENSE1 I SENSE1 V SENSE1 V OUT0_CFG V OUT1_CFG FREQ_CFG V TRIM0_CFG V TRIM1_CFG SGND LTC3880 + + – – V IN T TG0 BOOST0 SW0 BG0 V DD33 SYNC SDA SCL ALER GPIO0 GPIO1 SHARE_CLK RUN0 RUN1 WP TSNS0 I SENSEO I SENSEO V SENSEO V SENSEO I THO High Efficiency 425kHz 4-Phase 1.0V Step-Down 1V Converter with an LTC3880 and LTC3870 PSM Slave D1 5k 5k 10k 10k 10k 10k 4.99k 220pF 0.22µF µF 0.1 F 4700pF 2.55k 1µ 10µF 1.58k M1 M3 Y IHLP-4040DZ-11 0.36µH 10nF L0 F 0.36µH 1.58k 1µ + L0 TO L3: VISHA M1, M2, M5, M6: INFINEON BSC050N03LS M3, M4, M7, M8: INFINEON BSC010NE2LSI 530µF Rev. H For more information 115 Document Outline Features Applications Typical Application Description Table of Contents Absolute Maximum Ratings Pin Configuration Order Information Electrical Characteristics Typical Performance Characteristics Pin Functions Block Diagram Operation Overview Main Control Loop EEPROM Power Up and Initialization Soft-Start Sequencing Voltage-Based Sequencing Shutdown Light Load Current Operation Switching Frequency and Phase Output Voltage Sensing Current Sensing Load Sharing External/Internal Temperature Sense RCONFIG (Resistor Configuration) Pins Fault Detection and Handling Internal Memory with CRC and ECC Serial Interface Communication Failure Device Addressing Responses to VOUT and IOUT Faults Output Overvoltage Fault Response Output Undervoltage Response Peak Output Overcurrent Fault Response Responses to Timing Faults Responses to VIN OV Faults Responses to OT/UT Faults Overtemperature Fault Response—Internal Overtemperature and Undertemperature Fault Response—Externals Responses to External Faults Bus Timeout Failure Similarity Between PMBus, SMBus and I2C 2-Wire Interface PMBus Serial Digital Interface PMBus Command Summary PMBus Commands *Data Format Applications Information Current Limit Programming ISENSE+ and ISENSE– Pins Low Value Resistor Current Sensing Inductor DCR Current Sensing Slope Compensation and Inductor Peak Current Inductor Value Calculation Inductor Core Selection Power MOSFET and Schottky Diode (Optional) Selection Variable Delay Time, Soft-Start and Output Voltage Ramping Digital Servo Mode Soft Off (Sequenced Off) INTVCC Regulator Topside MOSFET Driver Supply (CB, DB) Undervoltage Lockout CIN and COUT Selection Fault Conditions Open-Drain Pins Phase-Locked Loop and Frequency Synchronization Minimum On-Time Considerations RCONFIG (External Resistor Configuration Pins) Voltage Selection Frequency and Phase Selection Using RCONFIG Address Selection Using RCONFIG Efficiency Considerations Checking Transient Response PC Board Layout Checklist PC Board Layout Debugging Design Example Connecting the USB to the I2C/SMBus/PMBus Controller to the LTC3880 In System LTpowerPlay: An Interactive GUI for Digital Power PMBus Communication and Command Processing PMBus Command Details Addressing and Write Protect General Configuration Registers On/Off/Margin PWM Config Voltage Input Voltage and Limits Output Voltage and Limits Current Input Current Calibration Output Current Calibration Input Current Output Current Temperature External Temperature Calibration External Temperature Limits Timing Timing—On Sequence/Ramp Timing—Off Sequence/Ramp Precondition for Restart Fault Response Fault Responses All Faults Fault Responses Input Voltage Fault Responses Output Voltage Fault Responses Output Current Fault Responses IC Temperature Fault Responses External Temperature Fault Sharing Fault Sharing Propagation Fault Sharing Response Scratchpad Identification Fault Warning and Status Telemetry NVM Memory Commands Store/Restore Fault Log Operation Fault Logging Block Memory Write/Read Typical Applications Package Description Revision History Typical Application Related Parts