CIPOS Maxi IM828. The CIPOS Maxi IM828 product group offers the chance for integrating various power and control components to increase reliability, optimize PCB size and system costs.
CIPOS™ Maxi IM828IM828-XCCStatic parameters6Static parameters (VDD = 15 V and TJ = 25°C, if not stated otherwise) 6.1Inverter sectionValueDescriptionSymbolConditionUnitMin.Typ.Max. ID = 20 A, VIN = 5 V Drain-source on-state resistance RDS(on) TJ = 25°C - 55 87 m 150°C - 70 - Drain-source leakage current IDSS VDS = 1200V - - 1 mA ISD = 20 A, VIN = 0 V Diode forward voltage VSD TJ = 25°C - 3.9 5.8 V 150°C - 3.8 - 6.2Control sectionValueDescriptionSymbolConditionUnitMin.Typ.Max. Logic "1" input voltage (LIN, HIN) VIH - 1.9 2.3 V Logic "0" input voltage (LIN, HIN) VIL 0.7 0.9 - V ITRIP positive going threshold VIT,TH+ 475 500 525 mV ITRIP input hysteresis VIT,HYS - 55 - mV VDD and VBS supply under voltage VDDUV+ 11.5 12.2 13.0 V positive going threshold VBSUV+ 10.5 11.2 12.0 VDD / VBS supply under voltage negative VDDUV- 10.5 11.2 12.0 V going threshold VBSUV- 9.5 10.2 11.0 VDD / VBS supply under voltage lockout VDDUVH - 1 - V hysteresis VBSUVH Quiescent VBx supply current (VBx only) IQBS HIN = 0 V - 175 - µA L Quiescent V INX = 0 V, DD supply current (VDD only) IQDD - 1 - mA HINX = 5 V Input bias current for LIN, HIN IIN+ VIN = 5 V - 1 - mA Input bias current for ITRIP IITRIP+ VITRIP = 5 V - 30 100 µA V Input bias current for RFE I RFE = 5 V, RFE - - 5 µA VITRIP = 0 V I RFE output voltage V RFE = 10 mA, RFE - 0.4 - V VITRIP = 1 V VRFE positive going threshold VRFE,TH+ - 1.9 2.3 V VRFE negative going threshold VRFE,TH- 0.7 0.9 - V Bootstrap diode forward voltage VF_BSD IF = 0.3 mA - 0.9 - V Datasheet 10 of 23 V 2.0 2020-09-03