PRELIMINARYQPC1251QBROADBAND HIGH LINEARITY e-CALL ANTENNA ROUTING SWITCHPin-out DescriptionPINLABELDESCRIPTION 3 VIO Supply voltage for the MIPI RFFE serial interface 5 SDATA Data I/O signal for the MIPI RFFE serial interface 6 SCLK Serial interface clock input signal 8 RF1 Cellular modem RF port connection 10 RF2 Cellular modem RF port connection 12 RF3 Cellular modem RF port connection 14 RF4 Cellular modem RF port connection 26 ANT4 Antenna port connection 28 ANT3 Antenna port connection 30 ANT2 Antenna port connection 32 ANT1 Antenna port connection 1, 2, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, GND Pins connected to module ground 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 31 4 DGND Digital Ground GND PAD GND PAD Ground QPC1251Q Preliminary DS JUN7,2020 | Subject to change without notice 5 of 17