AD548SPECIFICATIONS (continued)AD548JAD548K/BMinTypMaxMinTypMaxUnit POWER SUPPLY Rated Performance ±15 ±15 V Operating Range ±4.5 ±18 ±4.5 ±18 V Quiescent Current 170 200 170 200 µA TEMPERATURE RANGE Operating, Rated Performance Commercial (0°C to 70°C) AD548J AD548K Industrial (–40°C to +85°C) AD548A AD548B Military (–55°C to +125°C) AD548S PACKAGE OPTIONS SOIC (R-8) AD548JR AD548KR4 Plastic (N-8) AD548JN4 AD548KN Tape and Reel AD548JR-REEL AD548KR-REEL4 NOTES 1Input Offset Voltage specifications are guaranteed after five minutes of operation at TA = 25°C. 2Bias Current specifications are guaranteed maximum at either input after five minutes of operation at TA = 25°C. For higher temperature, the current doubles every 10°C. 3Defined as voltages between inputs, such that neither exceeds ±10 V from ground. 4Not recommended for new designs; obsolete April 2002. Specifications subject to change without notice. REV. D –3–