Datasheet X100-7 THD (First Sensor) - 2

制造商First Sensor
描述First Sensor PIN PD
页数 / 页3 / 2 —
文件格式/大小PDF / 750 Kb



First Sensor PIN PD Data Sheet First Sensor PIN PD Data Sheet Part Description X100-7 THD Part Description X100-7 THD Order # 3001447; 3001448 Order # 3001447; 3001448 Dark current (23 °C) Capacitance as fct of reverse bias (23 °C) 1,0E-07 500 450 400 ) A ( 350 ) t 1,0E-08 F n p e ( 300 r r ce 250 cu n k cita 200 Dar a 1,0E-09 150 Cap 100 50 1,0E-10 0 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 40 50 Reverse bias (V) Reverse bias (V) Package dimension: Small quantities: Foam pad, boxed (12 cm x 16.5 cm) Handling: Please refer to document "Instructions for handling and processing" Only suitable for hand soldering. Keep temperature of device below 65 °C. Labeling: Each detector with scintillator is ink-jet labled with order number and lot number. The lable is situated on the coated scintillator at the side of the anode pin. A notch marks the side with anode pin and lable. The lable size is approx. 8 mm x 3 mm. Rev. 08/03/2018 subject to change without notice Page 2/3