Datasheet BP5041 (Rohm) - 4

描述AC/DC Converter Unit
页数 / 页6 / 4 — Regulator ICs. BP5041. 358
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Regulator ICs. BP5041. 358

Regulator ICs BP5041 358



Regulator ICs BP5041
Application example Selecting attached components (1) Diodes (3) Capacitor for output voltage smoothing The rectifying diodes used should fulfill the following This capacitor should have a low ESR. Capacitors de- conditions. signed for low-impedance switching power supplies are In the absolute maximum ratings, the reverse surge cur- especially suitable. The ESR of the capacitor affects the rent should be 700V or higher, the average rectifying cur- output ripple voltage. Please refer to the table below for rent should be 0.5A or higher, and the forward surge volt- the names of products made by various manufacturers. age should be 20A or higher. (2) Capacitor for input voltage smoothing A capacitor with a larger capacitance produces a more stable output voltage, but increases the surge current when the power supply is turned on. A capacitor of be- tween 3.3µF and 10µF is recommended. The capacitor should have a withstand resistance of at least 400V. Operation notes (1) The output current needs to be reduced as the am- (4) Regulations governing electrical products bient temperature rises. As a stand-alone product, this product is not subject to (2) Lead pins should be securely soldered. Avoid sub- regulations governing electrical appliances. Please be jecting this product to strong impact. aware, therefore, that applications must be submitted for (3) Excessive current and shorted loads sets and not for individual products. The excessive current limit is a drooping model of (5) Insulation approximately 160mA. At 25C, if excessive output cur- This product is not insulated on the primary and second- rent of higher than 100mA is produced intermittently, or ary sides, and there is a danger of electrical shock if it is is produced continuously for a total of one minute or long- touched. er, the product is vulnerable to damage. If there is any (6) Connections with other devices danger of the load being shorted or excessive current be- Devices using this product should not be connected to ing produced, always use a protective device such as a other devices. If connected, insulation should be pro- fuse. The fuse should have a fusion current of 0.5A. vided.