Datasheet FAN7318A (Fairchild) - 6

描述LCD Backlight Inverter Drive IC
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FA N. Electrical Characteristics. 7318A. — LC. Symbol. Parameter. Test Conditions. Min. Typ. Max. Unit. Under-Voltage Lockout Section (UVLO)

FA N Electrical Characteristics 7318A — LC Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Under-Voltage Lockout Section (UVLO)



FA N Electrical Characteristics 7318A
For typical values, TA=25°C, VIN=15V, and -25°C ≤ TA ≤ 85°C, unless otherwise specified. Specifications to -25°C ~ 85°C are guaranteed by design based on final characterization results.
— LC Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Under-Voltage Lockout Section (UVLO) D
th Start Threshold Voltage Increase VIN 4.9 5.2 5.5 V
Vthhys Start Threshold Voltage Hysteresis Decrease VIN 0.20 0.45 0.60
V Ist Startup Current VIN=4.5V 10 70 100 µA Iop Operating Supply Current VIN=15V, Not Switching 0.5 2.0 3.5 mA
Invert ON/OFF Section
Von On-State Input Voltage 1.4 5.0 V
r D
off Off-State Input Voltage 0.7 V I
sb Standby Current ENA=0V 50 120 190 µA
ive IC
RENA Pull-Down Resistor ENA=2V 120 200 280 kΩ
Reference Section (Recommend 1µF X7R Capacitor)
V5 5V Regulation Voltage 4.9 5.0 5.1 V V5line 5V Line Regulation 6 ≤ VIN ≤ 30V 4 50 mV V5load 5V Load Regulation 10µA ≤ I5 ≤ 3mA 4 50 mV
Oscillator Section (Main)
TA=25°C, CT=220pF, 101.3 105.0 108.3 RT=100kΩ fosc Oscillation Frequency kHz CT=220pF, RT=100kΩ 101.0 105.0 109.0 TA=25°C, CT=220pF, 126.5 131.0 135.5 RT=100kΩ fstr Oscillator Frequency in Striking Mode kHz CT=20pF, RT=100kΩ 126.0 131.0 136.0 Ictdcs Striking 1.03 1.18 1.33 mA CT Discharge Current Ictdc Normal 770 870 970 μA Ictcs CT Charge Current Striking -15 -12 -9 μA Vcth CT High Voltage 2 V Vctl CT Low Voltage 0.45 V
Oscillator Section (Burst)
TA=25°C, BCT=4.7nF, 321 330 342 BRT=1.4MΩ foscb Burst Oscillation Frequency Hz BCT=4.7nF, 317 330 343 BRT=1.4MΩ Ibctdc BCT Discharge current 20 26 32 μA Vbcth BCT High Voltage 2 V Vbctl BCT Low Voltage 0.5 V Continued on the following page… © 2009 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN7318A • 1.0.0 6