Datasheet MTP20N20E (ON Semiconductor) - 6

制造商ON Semiconductor
描述Power MOSFET 20 Amps, 200 Volts
页数 / 页9 / 6 — MTP20N20E. Figure 8. Gate−To−Source and Drain−To−Source. Figure 9. …
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MTP20N20E. Figure 8. Gate−To−Source and Drain−To−Source. Figure 9. Resistive Switching Time. Voltage versus Total Charge

MTP20N20E Figure 8 Gate−To−Source and Drain−To−Source Figure 9 Resistive Switching Time Voltage versus Total Charge



12 180 1000 V TS) DS QT VDD = 100 V , DRAIN−T I 10 150 D = 20 A VGS VGS = 10 V Q1 Q2 TAGE (VOL TJ = 25°C 8 120 O−SOURCE VOL (ns) 6 90 100 t, TIME I tr D = 20 A O−SOURCE VOL 4 TJ = 25°C 60 T tf AGE (VOL TE−T td(off) , GA 2 30 V GS Q3 V T) td(on) DS 0 0 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 1 10 100 QG, TOTAL GATE CHARGE (nC) RG, GATE RESISTANCE (OHMS)
Figure 8. Gate−To−Source and Drain−To−Source Figure 9. Resistive Switching Time Voltage versus Total Charge Variation versus Gate Resistance DRAIN−TO−SOURCE DIODE CHARACTERISTICS
20 VGS = 0 V TJ = 25°C 16 (AMPS) 12 8 4 , SOURCE CURRENT IS 00.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.0 VSD, SOURCE−TO−DRAIN VOLTAGE (VOLTS)
Figure 10. Diode Forward Voltage versus Current SAFE OPERATING AREA
The Forward Biased Safe Operating Area curves define reliable operation, the stored energy from circuit inductance the maximum simultaneous drain−to−source voltage and dissipated in the transistor while in avalanche must be less drain current that a transistor can handle safely when it is than the rated limit and adjusted for operating conditions forward biased. Curves are based upon maximum peak differing from those specified. Although industry practice is junction temperature and a case temperature (TC) of 25°C. to rate in terms of energy, avalanche energy capability is not Peak repetitive pulsed power limits are determined by using a constant. The energy rating decreases non−linearly with an the thermal response data in conjunction with the procedures increase of peak current in avalanche and peak junction discussed in AN569, “Transient Thermal temperature. Resistance−General Data and Its Use.” Although many E−FETs can withstand the stress of Switching between the off−state and the on−state may drain−to−source avalanche at currents up to rated pulsed traverse any load line provided neither rated peak current current (IDM), the energy rating is specified at rated (IDM) nor rated voltage (VDSS) is exceeded and the continuous current (ID), in accordance with industry custom. transition time (tr,tf) do not exceed 10 µs. In addition the total The energy rating must be derated for temperature as shown power averaged over a complete switching cycle must not in the accompanying graph (Figure 12). Maximum energy at exceed (TJ(MAX) − TC)/(RθJC). currents below rated continuous ID can safely be assumed to A Power MOSFET designated E−FET can be safely used equal the values indicated. in switching circuits with unclamped inductive loads. For 5