SMD ONE PORT 433.42 MHz SAW RSMD ONE PORESONATORT 433.42 MHz SAW R ASR433.42E Pb RoHSCompliant 5 x 5 x 1.35mm | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS:HC ACARETIR SSCITTINUIM .NYT .PXAM. Center Frequency Fo MHz 433.345 433.420 433.495 Tolerance from Fo KHz ±75 Insertion Loss dB - 1.5 2.5 Quality Factor Unloaded - 10,600 50Ω loaded 2,200 Temperature Stability Turnover Temperature °C 25 40 55 Turnover Frequency KHz Fc Freq. Temp. Coefficient ppm/°C2 0.037 Frequency Aging ppm/year ±10 DC Insulation Resistance MΩ 1.0 RF Equivalent RLC Model Motional Resistance R1 Ω 19.0 33 Motional Inductance L1 µH 101.841 Motional Capacitance C1 fF 1.3254 Shunt Capacitance C0 pF 2.3 Operating temp. °C -40°C to +85°C Storage temp. °C -45°C to +85°C Max. Rating DC voltage V ±10 RF Power Dissipation dBm 10 Data measured with: Source Impedance: Zs=50Ω, Load Impedance: ZL=50Ω, TA=25°C Electrostatic Sensitive Device. Handle with precaution. MARKING:OUTLINE DRAWING: - 433.42R (433.42 Frequency in MHz) PIN NO. CONNECTIONS 0.20±.008 0.1±.006 (5.0±0.2) - A ZYX (ZY: Date code Z for month 2 Input/Output (2.54±0.15) 4 from A to L; Y for year, 6 Output/Input I.e. 4 for 2004 4 & 8 Case Ground 5 3 80 )2 X: Traceability code) 1,3,5,7 N/C .0 . ± 0 0 ±0 6 2 0.05 .2 . 0 5( 7 1 (1.27) FREQUENCY RESPONSE:TEST CIRCUIT: 8 0.047 8 (1.20) 0.053 8 (1.35) 71 0.08 62 (2.08) 7 1 6 2 To 50Ω Load To 50Ω Load 53 5 3 4 0.47 4 0.024 (1.20) (0.60) Dimensions: inch (mm) ATTENTION: Abracon Corporation’s products are COTS – Commercial-Off-The-Shelf products; suitable for Commercial, Industrial and, where designated, Automotive Applications. Abracon’s products are not specifically designed for Military, Aviation, Aerospace, Life-dependant Medical applications or any application requiring high reliability where component failure could result in loss of life and/or property. For applications requiring high reliability and/or presenting an extreme operating environment, written consent and authorization from Abracon Corporation is required. Please contact Abracon Corporation for more information. ABRACON IS ISO 9001 / QS 9000 30332 Esperanza, Rancho Santa Margarita, California 92688 ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED R tel 949-546-8000 | fax 949-546-8001 |