Datasheet AD7853, AD7853L (Analog Devices) - 10

制造商Analog Devices
描述3 V to 5 V Single Supply, 200 kSPS, 12-Bit, Serial Sampling ADC
页数 / 页34 / 10 — AD7853/AD7853L. CONTROL REGISTER. MSB. LSB. Control Register Bit Function …
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AD7853/AD7853L. CONTROL REGISTER. MSB. LSB. Control Register Bit Function Descriptions. Bit. Mnemonic. Comment

AD7853/AD7853L CONTROL REGISTER MSB LSB Control Register Bit Function Descriptions Bit Mnemonic Comment



The arrangement of the control register is shown below. The control register is a write only register and contains 14 bits of data. The control register is selected by putting two 1s in ADDR1 and ADDR0. The function of the bits in the control register are described below. The power-up status of all bits is 0.
LSB Control Register Bit Function Descriptions Bit Mnemonic Comment
13 ZERO These four bits must be set to 0 when writing to the control register. 12 ZERO 11 ZERO 10 ZERO 9 PMGT1 Power Management Bits. These two bits are used with the SLEEP pin for putting the part into various 8 PMGT0 power-down modes (See Power-Down section for more details). 7 RDSLT1 These two bits determine which register is addressed for the read operations. See Table II. 6 RDSLT0 5 2/3 MODE Interface Mode Select Bit. With this bit set to 0, Interface Mode 2 is enabled. With this bit set to 1, Interface Mode 1 is enabled where DIN is used as an output as well as an input. This bit is set to 0 by default after every read cycle; thus when using Interface Mode 1, this bit needs to be set to 1 in every write cycle. 4 CONVST Conversion Start Bit. A logic one in this bit position starts a single conversion, and this bit is automati- cally reset to 0 at the end of conversion. This bit may also used in conjunction with system calibration (see Calibration Section on page 21). 3 CALMD Calibration Mode Bit. A 0 here selects self-calibration and a 1 selects a system calibration (see Table III). 2 CALSLT1 Calibration Selection Bits and Start Calibration Bit. These bits have two functions. 1 CALSLT0 With the STCAL bit set to 1, the CALSLT1 and CALSLT0 bits determine the type of calibration per- 0 STCAL formed by the part (see Table III). The STCAL bit is automatically reset to 0 at the end of calibration. With the STCAL bit set to 0, the CALSLT1 and CALSLT0 bits are decoded to address the calibration register for read/write of calibration coefficients (see section on the calibration registers for more details).
Table III. Calibration Selection CALMD CALSLT1 CALSLT0 Calibration Type
0 0 0 A
full internal calibration
is initiated where the internal DAC is calibrated followed by the internal gain error and finally the internal offset error is calibrated out. This is the default setting. 0 0 1 Here the
internal gain error
is calibrated out followed by the
internal offset error
calibrated out. 0 1 0 This calibrates out the
internal offset error
only. 0 1 1 This calibrates out the
internal gain error
only. 1 0 0 A
full system calibration
is initiated here where first the internal DAC is calibrated, fol- lowed by the system gain error, and finally the system offset error is calibrated out. 1 0 1 Here the
system gain error
is calibrated out followed by the
system offset error
. 1 1 0 This calibrates out the
system offset error
only. 1 1 1 This calibrates out the
system gain error
only. –10– REV. B