Datasheet ICL7660S, ICL7660A (Renesas)

描述Super Voltage Converters
页数 / 页14 / 1 — Features. extended. lower. Frequency Boost pin. Critical parameters are. …
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Features. extended. lower. Frequency Boost pin. Critical parameters are. ensured over the entire commercial and industrial

Datasheet ICL7660S, ICL7660A Renesas



link to page 3 link to page 8 DATASHEET ICL7660S, ICL7660A FN3179 Super Voltage Converters Rev 7.01 Feb 10, 2020 The ICL7660S and ICL7660A Super Voltage Converters are
monolithic CMOS voltage conversion ICs that ensure • Ensured Lower Max Supply Current for All Temperature significant performance advantages over other similar Ranges devices. They are direct replacements for the industry standard ICL7660 offering an
operating supply • Wide Operating Voltage Range: 1.5V to 12V voltage range up to 12V, with
supply current. A • 100% Tested at 3V
Frequency Boost pin
has been incorporated to enable the user to achieve lower output impedance despite using smaller • Boost Pin (Pin 1) for Higher Switching Frequency capacitors. All improvements are highlighted in the “Electrical • Ensured Minimum Power Efficiency of 96% Specifications” section on page 3.
Critical parameters are
• Improved Minimum Open Circuit Voltage Conversion
ensured over the entire commercial and industrial
Efficiency of 99%
temperature ranges.
• Improved SCR Latchup Protection The ICL7660S and ICL7660A perform supply voltage conversions from positive to negative for an input range of • Simple Conversion of +5V Logic Supply to ±5V Supplies 1.5V to 12V, resulting in complementary output voltages of • Simple Voltage Multiplication VOUT = (-)nVIN -1.5V to -12V. Only two non-critical external capacitors are needed, for the charge pump and charge reservoir functions. • Easy to Use; Requires Only Two External Non-Critical Passive Components The ICL7660S and ICL7660A can be connected to function as a voltage doubler and will generate up to 22.8V with a • Improved Direct Replacement for Industry Standard 12V input. They can also be used as a voltage multipliers or ICL7660 and Other Second Source Devices voltage dividers. • Pb-Free Available (RoHS Compliant) Each chip contains a series DC power supply regulator, RC
oscillator, voltage level translator, and four output power MOS switches. The oscillator, when unloaded, oscillates at a • Simple Conversion of +5V to ±5V Supplies nominal frequency of 10kHz for an input supply voltage of • Voltage Multiplication V 5.0V. This frequency can be lowered by the addition of an OUT = ±nVIN external capacitor to the “OSC” terminal, or the oscillator • Negative Supplies for Data Acquisition Systems and may be over-driven by an external clock. Instrumentation The “LV” terminal may be tied to GND to bypass the internal • RS232 Power Supplies series regulator and improve low voltage (LV) operation. At • Supply Splitter, VOUT = ±VS medium to high voltages (3.5V to 12V), the LV pin is left floating to prevent device latchup. In some applications, an external Schottky diode from VOUT to CAP- is needed to ensure latchup free operation (see Do’s and Dont’s section on page 8).
Pin Configurations ICL7660S ICL7660A (8 LD PDIP, SOIC) (8 LD PDIP, SOIC)
BOOST 1 8 V+ NC 1 8 V+ CAP+ 2 7 OSC CAP+ 2 7 OSC GND 3 6 LV GND 3 6 LV CAP- 4 5 VOUT CAP- 4 5 VOUT
FN3179 Rev 7.01 Page 1 of 14 Feb 10, 2020