link to page 9 FL7921RELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VDD = 15 V and TA = −40~105C, unless otherwise noted) SymbolParameterConditionsMinTypMaxUnitVDD Section VOP Continuously Operating Voltage − − 25 V VDD−ON Turn−On Threshold Voltage 16.5 18.0 19.5 V VDD−PWM−OFF PWM−Off Threshold Voltage 9 10 11 V VDD−OFF Turn−Off Threshold Voltage TA = 25C 6.5 7.5 8.5 V IDD−ST Startup Current VDD = VDD−ON − 0.16 V, − 20 30 mA Gate Open IDD−OP Operating Current VDD = 15 V; OPFC, − − 10 mA OPWM = 100 kHz; CL−PFC, CL−PWM = 2 nF IDD−GREEN Green−Mode Operating Supply Current (Average) VDD = 15 V, − 5.5 − mA OPWM = 450 Hz, CL−PWM = 2 nF IDD−PWM−OFF Operating Current at PWM−Off Phase VDD = VDD−PWM−OFF 70 120 170 mA − 0.5 V VDD−OVP VDD Over−Voltage Protection (Auto Recovery) 23 24 25 V tVDD−OVP VDD OVP De−bounce Time 100 150 200 ms IDD−LATCH CSPWM Pin Open Protection Latch−Up Holding VDD = 7.5 V − 120 − mA Current HV Startup Current Source Section VHV−MIN Minimum Startup Voltage on HV Pin − − 50 V IHV Supply Current Drawn from HV Pin VAC = 90 V 1.3 − − mA (VDC = 120 V), VDD = 0 V HV = 500 V, − 1 − mA VDD = VDD−OFF +1 V VIN and RANGE Section VVIN−UVP Threshold Voltage for AC Input Under−Voltage 0.95 1.00 1.05 V Protection VVIN−RE−UVP Under−Voltage Protection Reset Voltage VVIN−UVP VVIN−UVP VVIN−UVP V (for Startup) +0.25 V +0.30 V +0.35 V tVIN−UVP Under−Voltage Protection Debounce Time 70 100 130 ms (No Need at Startup and Hiccup Mode) VVIN−RANGE−H High VVIN Threshold for RANGE Comparator 2.40 2.45 2.50 V VVIN−RANGE−L Low VVIN Threshold for RANGE Comparator 2.05 2.10 2.15 V tRANGE Range Enable / Disable Debounce Time 70 100 130 ms VRANGE−OL Output Low Voltage of RANGE Pin IO = 1 mA − − 0.5 V IRANGE−OH Output High Leakage Current of RANGE Pin RANGE = 5 V − − 200 nA tON−MAX−PFC PFC Maximum On−Time 22 25 28 ms PFC STAGEVoltage Error Amplifier Section Gm Transconductance (Note 4) 100 125 150 mmho VREF Feedback Comparator Reference Voltage 2.465 2.500 2.535 V VINV−H Clamp High Feedback Voltage RANGE = Open 2.70 2.75 2.80 V RANGE = Ground 2.60 2.65 2.70 www.onsemi.com6